A Non-Denominational, Christian Church

Cornflakes, Cucumbers, and Confetti

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We all find plenty to complain about, whether it is genuine hardships like sickness, suffering, and death, or it is the little stuff like having to eat the same thing for dinner that we had for lunch. As we see in the example of the Israelites (Numbers 11:1-6), complaining leads to misery, even in times that should be filled with joy. However, fostering a correct view of the blessings that we have in God and nurturing our awareness of our future hope, builds a spirit of gratefulness. Thankfulness leads to joy that endures, even in the depth of darkness. Because we are so quick to find reasons to complain it is easy for the minor irritations of life to rob us of all enjoyment in life. We must work to correct our thinking so we can experience the true hope and joy found in the Lord!

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