A Non-Denominational, Christian Church

My Work in the Lord – A Higher Calling 10

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My Work in the Lord – A Higher Calling 10 Preview Image

As we continue to look at the Higher Calling we have in Jesus, we see the example of Paul to work with extreme effort to bring the good news of Jesus to others, breaking down barriers and enduring difficulties in the process.  What is the source of his dedication and sacrifice?  Is he trying to gain God’s favor and live up to the requirements placed on him?  Not at all!  In this message we will see how God has offered us an entirely different way of life.  Because of what Jesus has done for us we can begin a relationship with God with complete acceptance, approval and freedom.  The gift of being connected to God gives us the opportunity and the power to share with God in His work of reaching others.  Freedom and love will always bring more enduring passion than obligation and guilt.

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A Higher Calling Evangelism Grace Religion Work Gospel 1 Corinthians