A Non-Denominational, Christian Church

Remaining Strong in the Heat of Life

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Life is at times almost unbearable. I have at times wished that God would take away all our difficulties and challenges and make our lives easy. Instead of sparing us from difficulties and suffering, God strengthens us for them.  God is the source of strength for the most difficult parts of life.  With God we are not consumed or crushed although we walk through the fire.

This message looks at 3 elements that build our resilience for life: joy and quieting with God, refining our beliefs, and growing connections to God and people.  It finishes with an exercise called "Immanuel Journaling" that has helped some people experience these three elements. 

For more on joy: Resting in Joy (April 2021)

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Handouts: Without Blanks

Breathing Joyful Journey Listening Quieting WilderJoyResilienceRestStrength