A Non-Denominational, Christian Church


Showing 211 - 240 of 304
Becoming Uncommon

Becoming Uncommon

Posted: 17 Sep, 2017 | Author: Steve Nelson

“Common people become uncommon standing on the promises of God.” (Dawson Trotman) Do you have the sense that you were created for uncommon purposes? Or perhaps that you have some unfulfilled potential? In reality, God has designed you with certain purposes in mind (Ephesians 2:10). What are these things? What are we supposed to be […]


Cornflakes, Cucumbers, and Confetti

Cornflakes, Cucumbers, and Confetti

Posted: 03 Sep, 2017 | Author: Steve Nelson

We all find plenty to complain about, whether it is genuine hardships like sickness, suffering, and death, or it is the little stuff like having to eat the same thing for dinner that we had for lunch. As we see in the example of the Israelites (Numbers 11:1-6), complaining leads to misery, even in times […]


Love and Smiles Forever

Love and Smiles Forever

Posted: 20 Aug, 2017 | Author: Steve Nelson

Not only does God love you, but he likes you. He enjoys you. He is glad that you are His. In this study of Ephesians 1, we find many reasons to find joy and peace in our relationship with God, even though relationships are complicated, and we are fully aware of our shortcomings. Download Handout: Blanks / No […]


Animation 15: Summary – Life in Jesus

Animation 15: Summary – Life in Jesus

Posted: 30 Jul, 2017 | Author: Steve Nelson

The good life that really counts for something is not just found in a brief interaction with Jesus, but in a journey of trusting Him and following His lead! Download Handout: No blanks/Blanks


Animation 13: Good Samaritan – Life of Love

Animation 13: Good Samaritan – Life of Love

Posted: 16 Jul, 2017 | Author: Steve Nelson

We are all busy people. We want our lives to count and so we fill them up with all sorts of activities. One of the most fulfilling things we can dedicate ourselves to is loving others, but we need to be careful that the busyness of life doesn’t choke out the things we really want […]


Animation 9 – Zacchaeus – Life in Response

Animation 9 – Zacchaeus – Life in Response

Posted: 18 Jun, 2017 | Author: Steve Nelson

The Christian life is not one of duty, obligation, and drudgery. Instead, it is a response to Him and what He has done for us. In the life of Zacchaeus we see that it’s a choice to live for the One we love! Download Handout: Blanks / No Blanks


Animation 7 – The Crumbs Lady – Faith Rewarded

Animation 7 – The Crumbs Lady – Faith Rewarded

Posted: 04 Jun, 2017 | Author: Steve Nelson

The faith of the crumbs lady (Syrophoenician woman) teaches us some critical lessons on how to respond when it seems that God is completely ignoring our prayers. Download Handout (Blanks,No blanks)


Animation 5 – Sinful Religionists – Life in Life Received

Animation 5 – Sinful Religionists – Life in Life Received

Posted: 21 May, 2017 | Author: Steve Nelson

We think of the account of the woman caught in the act of adultery as a beautiful story of grace and forgiveness. And it is. At least for one person. But not everyone received life from Jesus. The religionists (the Pharisees and teachers of the law) walked away from life. They were more concerned about […]


Animation 3: The Adulterous Woman – Life in the New Life

Animation 3: The Adulterous Woman – Life in the New Life

Posted: 07 May, 2017 | Author: Steve Nelson

The religious leaders tried to trap Jesus by bringing before him a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. Would he withhold mercy and have her put to death, or would he show mercy and ignore the law? One response would put Jesus in a horrible light with the people, and the […]


Animation 2 – The Forgiven Paralytic

Animation 2 – The Forgiven Paralytic

Posted: 23 Apr, 2017 | Author: Steve Nelson

In the account of the paralyzed man who was brought to Jesus, we learn that Jesus wants us to come to Him for forgiveness—spiritual healing! This is one of the amazing ways we experience life from God. When we ask for and receive forgiveness, we are no longer defined by our loserness! We are freed […]


Seeing the Unseen III – Judgment

Seeing the Unseen III – Judgment

Posted: 09 Apr, 2017 | Author: Steve Nelson

Have you ever thought about the Day of Judgement—when Jesus addresses the masses of people who have lived since the beginning of the world? Will He be angry and condemning? Loving and compassionate? In this imagined account of Judgment Day, Jesus pours out his heart to those he loves—a jilted lover to those who rejected […]


Seeing the Unseen II – With Us

Seeing the Unseen II – With Us

Posted: 26 Mar, 2017 | Author: Steve Nelson

A fundamental way to fix our eyes on the unseen is to be continually aware that God is with us. It is a great comfort to us in times of grief and loss when we are aware of God’s loving presence. It also gives us confidence to do things that are greater than ourselves when […]


Seeing the Unseen

Seeing the Unseen

Posted: 12 Mar, 2017 | Author: Steve Nelson

There are two realms: the seen and the unseen. The natural and the supernatural. Belief in the unseen world corrects our overemphasis on the seen world. To experience true and lasting life, our faith must be anchored in the unseen. 2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on […]




Posted: 26 Feb, 2017 | Author: Steve Nelson

We should never be surprised when we find ourselves discouraged or even despondent. After all, we live in terrible times. Yet God offers hope in the midst of our trials. Jesus said, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” We can find life from God even […]


Does God Speak at Church?

Does God Speak at Church?

Posted: 12 Feb, 2017 | Author: Steve Nelson

If those who speak are supposed to speak as if speaking the very words of God, how are those who listen supposed to listen? In faith, can we believe that God will speak to us through His Word, through worship, through others, and even through the sermons we hear? 1 Peter 4:11a If anyone speaks, […]


Soldier, Cupcake, Christian – A Higher Calling 17

Soldier, Cupcake, Christian – A Higher Calling 17

Posted: 29 Jan, 2017 | Author: Steve Nelson

The church in Corinth had serious issues that Paul addressed throughout 1 Corinthians. He spoke so strongly on at times that you might think his letter to them would have ended their relationship. Yet as he concluded his letter in chapter 16, instead of writing an it-was-nice-knowing-you ending to their relationship, he penned a very ordinary […]


Emphasis of Love [Tongues & Prophecy] – A Higher Calling 15

Emphasis of Love [Tongues & Prophecy] – A Higher Calling 15

Posted: 15 Jan, 2017 | Author: Steve Nelson

If God were to give you a special supernatural gift, what would you want? Would you like to speak in tongues? Know the deep mysteries of God? Heal the sick? Any of these gifts would be amazing, but there is something even more incredible. It’s love. 1 Corinthians 12-14 is the most extensive passage on […]


A Disciple in Heart

A Disciple in Heart

Posted: 01 Jan, 2017 | Author: Steve Nelson

The greatest disciples throughout history, from Jesus’ Twelve all the way to modern-day martyrs, have something in common. They don’t care. They don’t care about what others think, about their own personal gain, or even about their own lives. This one commonly held attribute allows them to live with abandon and care about the things […]


A Christmas Gift

A Christmas Gift

Posted: 25 Dec, 2016 | Author: Steve Nelson

When a child turns his back on his parents, what gift should he give his father for Christmas? A tie? A shirt? Many of us will relate to this story from Steve’s childhood and may even see some of the same tendencies in our relationships with God. May this message help bring restoration with our […]


Seeing God’s Good – A Higher Calling 13

Seeing God’s Good – A Higher Calling 13

Posted: 11 Dec, 2016 | Author: Steve Nelson

We can love people who are hard for us, but to do so we must see God’s good in ourselves, in others, and in His overarching plan for His people. In this message we look at spiritual gifts and how God has shaped each of us ways in various ways so that we can each […]


Healthy Grace – A Higher Calling 11

Healthy Grace – A Higher Calling 11

Posted: 27 Nov, 2016 | Author: Steve Nelson

With a healthy understanding of grace, we can appreciate it for what it really is, and stand firm in the security of our committed relationship with Jesus. This allows us to stop being distracted with trying to measure up or trying to discern exactly what is permissible behavior and what isn’t. Instead, we can focus […]


Love in Disputable Matters, A Higher Calling 9

Love in Disputable Matters, A Higher Calling 9

Posted: 13 Nov, 2016 | Author: Steve Nelson

Have you ever felt judged by Christians? You vote one way, but they think you should vote another. You trick or treat, but they don’t. You have a Christmas tree and they seem to think you are worshiping the forest god in your living room. You public school and they home school. Paul addresses these […]


Marriage and Divorce – A Higher Calling 7

Marriage and Divorce – A Higher Calling 7

Posted: 30 Oct, 2016 | Author: Steve Nelson

Marriage is intended to be a beautiful life-long relationship. Unfortunately things don’t always go as God desires in our broken world. In this message we look at what the Bible teaches on divorce and remarriage from 1 Corinthians 7 and from the teachings of Jesus. Download Main Handout / Supplemental Reference on Divorce See also: Pizza Seminar: What the […]


For the Good of All: A Higher Calling 5

For the Good of All: A Higher Calling 5

Posted: 16 Oct, 2016 | Author: Steve Nelson

How can the church be a hospital for broken and sinful people and also hope to have a standard of behavior that reflects our higher calling? Is it possible to be loving and compassionate and yet draw a line in the sand and say that certain behaviors are not acceptable among God’s people? In this […]


Transformation: A Higher Calling 3

Transformation: A Higher Calling 3

Posted: 02 Oct, 2016 | Author: Steve Nelson

Have you ever seen Christians sin and wondered how they could act so unchristian? And have you wondered why Jesus hasn’t changed them more? And what about in your own life? Have you ever thought that the power of God should have transformed you more? In this message, Steve explains how the power of God […]


You’ve Got a Good Thing

You’ve Got a Good Thing

Posted: 04 Sep, 2016 | Author: Steve Nelson

The people in the days of Hosea were so mesmerized by their sins of drunkenness and prostitution, that God said they were being robbed of their brains. They weren’t thinking clearly, and because of that they chose their vices over God. We should ask ourselves if we have any similar destructive behaviors, and we should think […]


Taking God Seriously

Taking God Seriously

Posted: 14 Aug, 2016 | Author: Steve Nelson

When the people asked God, “Do you want us to keep fasting as we’ve done for 70 years,” God responded with, “You were doing that for ME?” It’s as if he was completely unaware of or indifferent toward all their spiritual activity. It makes you wonder about the spiritual things we do. Are they really […]


God’s Deep Love

God’s Deep Love

Posted: 31 Jul, 2016 | Author: Steve Nelson

God has always loved people. People are the pinnacle of creation! We might think that we are too messed up for God to love us, but there are countless examples of God loving really messed up people. Throughout all of scripture, we see God trying to win the hearts of broken people. And we see […]


Destroying Your Robot God

Destroying Your Robot God

Posted: 17 Jul, 2016 | Author: Steve Nelson

To have a meaningful relationship with God, we must not see Him as an emotionless robot—always the same: passionless, uncaring, and unaffected by what He sees and experiences. We must see Him as a being who experiences joy and grief, pleasure and displeasure, intense love and extreme jealousy. Download Handout


Prophecy by Steve Nelson – DTC/HSLT 2016

Prophecy by Steve Nelson – DTC/HSLT 2016

Posted: 30 Jun, 2016 | Author: Steve Nelson

The Bible is full of amazing teachings about God’s love for people and His relentless pursuit of their hearts. In the culmination of His plan, He gave His special son to die on the cross so that our sins could be paid for. It’s an amazing story, but only if it is true. There are […]


Showing 211 - 240 of 304